Jan 14

D-Link antenna boost

I recently hacked a beefier antenna into our D-Link DSL-2640R router, following this guide here. There was nothing complicated about it but I had to buy two things:

  1. A "U.FL to RP-SMA female" pigtail cable. I bought this one (ebay) for £2
  2. A beefier antenna. I bought this one (ebay) for £7.

Benefits: I can now watch Youtube videos on my iPad while lying in bed, I don't have to string cables into my study, and (hopefully) the XBox won't randomly stop streaming МУХА (video) songs from my desktop machine while I'm trying to beat da police.

More pics: 1: Look, it still works! 2: The back.

D-Link equipment sucks, but I made it suck less!